Tuesday 19 May 2009

Phew, I think its all over.

We had assessment yesterday. As usual, I had a rather late night on Sunday.... although not as bad as the previous year's assessment when I was still up working when the birds woke up. This time, I actually got to bed early, by 3am...

To be honest, I probably WAS more organised this time, although it might not seem it! However, this year, I still managed to take my son swimming on Saturday, and still go out for Sunday dinner and spend two hours in the pub, so I can't have been THAT far behind.

So I feel good about that. I feel even better about the grade and feedback that I got for my Studio Practice module. Basically, the tutors like where my work is going, and they also thought that the most successful part of my visual studies work was my "alternative sources" for generating work - that'll be my photograms, lino prints, monoprints, and photography and photoshop work then! So I am rather happy with that, as I love printing!

So, over the next few posts, you can expect to see some actual pretty pictures....

I'll start with a few closeups of tiles, just cos I like 'em!

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