Friday 13 February 2009

Budding Poet

Hi All

It was parent's evening this week, and I got chance to look through some of my son's work as I had a little wait. I came away proud as punch of the progress he is making with nothing but praise from his teacher.

I came across this poem that he wrote a while back. He turned 11 a month ago, but apparently wrote this at the start of year six.


The mountain stands
Strong and tall,
Abominable and alone.
It's face is stern,
slippery and rocky
At the same time.
Gigantic, it looks down
At the puny people below.
It's freezing up there,
So how does it cope
With the awful weather?

I think it's rather good. But then again, I may be biased...... :o)

1 comment:

ChatElaine said...

Oh that was lovely, only 11 eh!Bless him!!